Tagged 'macroscript'

Script Box

2 votes

Script Box optimizes your scripting workflow by creating a dynamic dialog menu for Maxscript files.

Simplify installation and execution of Maxscripts by selecting any folder and get a menu that can launch external MaxScripts without adding custom buttons. Freely organize and integrate macroScripts, plugins, utilies and regular scripts inside 3ds max without going through a set of complicated steps.

The current version is free with no limitations, offering the same functionality as the paid version. Future updates are exclusive to paid users.

Main Features

  • Dynamic interface
  • Multi-threaded script loading
  • Include sub-folders
  • Grouped by macroScript, plugin, utility and standard.
  • Extended Tooltip information
  • Open MaxScripts in the Scripting editor

3DS Max Plugin Update - Lights Switch V2.0

1 vote

This is an update for the plugin I wrote 6 years ago, called Lights Switch.
The reason behind the update was an e-mail from a user who had a small issue with a scene full of Cororna lights, where the script managed to turn all lights OFF, but for some reason failed to turn them ON again.
After inspecting the script, I recognized the bug and fixed it.

Basically, the script, when clicked, will go through all lights in the scene, and if any light is ON it will turn it OFF. On the other hand, if the script sees that all lights are OFF it will turn them all ON again.

Batch Export/Import

30 votes

This is a free script, for non commercial use.

This is the perfect script to transfer your models from 3ds Max to ZBrush/Unity/UDK/...
Basically it batch exports objects to multiple files.
Supported formats : max, obj, fbx, 3ds, ase, dwf, dwg, dxf, dae, nif.


42 votes

gizmoControl UI screenshot This macroscript (to be found in the "MB Tools" category after executing the .mcr) will allow you to link the transformation of a modifier gizmo to some other scene object. Afterwards, the gizmo will always be fully aligned to that other scene object, which can be freely animated by any kind of controller and linked to any other scene node. In some way this is very similar to World Space Modifiers but it works for any kind of modifier gizmo.

This tool can be very useful for creating complex modifier animations, for example animating a Slice modifier's plane along a path, attaching a UVW Map modfier to some animated helper object, transforming a Displace modifier with some other object, or having an extra node control the- symmety plane of a Symmetry modifier.

Annotate Geometry

1 vote

MacroScript that display selected Geometry informations in the active Viewport.

Macroscript Creator

19 votes

Most MAXScripts are available in .ms format and if there is a .mcr file included, it often requires rigid path structure to work. This little script creates macroscripts to run .ms or .mse files, the files themselves can be placed basically anywhere and you can define how they show in the interface.

Macroscript Creator UI

Select By Measuring

5 votes

This tool will allow you to select objects by the size of the bounding box, surface area or volume.

3DS Max - Copy Paste Objects Between Scenes

7 votes

This is a script I created to help the user in copying and pasting
objects between multiple opened 3DS Max scenes.
Under the hood, it's a quick merge operation that is done without
Any prompt. If there is a name conflict, the coming object will be renamed. Also if there is a material's name conflict, the coming object
will preserve its own material but the material will be renamed.


46 votes

This script is for animators to Lock any object (great for IK controls) to any temporary parent, such as a handrail or a bone etc, and it bakes the animation. The user can choose to snap the control to the center of the object or with the offset still in place (offset is on by default)

StickyLock Preview

Batch Detach Selected Polygons

1 vote

This script will help the user to detach a large number of polygons into individual objects in one click.

The script will be available if one object only is selected, and this Object has to be from the geometry family.

Note: The script doesn't work on Editable Patch objects

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