
4 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Branko Živković

This tool will helps in preparing objects imported from Marvelous Designer.
For more info visit this THREAD where I have explained how to use
this script or see tutorial under Additional Info section.
Requested by ice-boy

Additional Info: 

This tool mimics "Transfer Attributes" option in Maya (some way :) )
See how to export models (original and flat) from Marvelous Designer.

Also U can try with below code which will create example scene.
Put this "example" code in Listiner , select whole code and press Shift+Enter.

masterObj = Rectangle name:"Master001" length:100 width:100 pos:[0,50,50] dir:-y_axis wirecolor:green
addmodifier masterObj (Garment_Maker density:0.2)
flatObj = copy masterObj ; flatObj.pos.y = -50 ; = "Flat001" ; flatObj.wirecolor = blue
addModifier masterObj (Noisemodifier seed:10 scale:40 strength:[0,0,50])
addModifier masterObj (Bend angle:180 BendAxis:0)

U will see Master (green) and Flat (blue) object in the scene.
Take a look this Thumbs for more info.



Version Requirement: 
bga_marvelostool_v1.ms4.6 KB


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barigazy's picture


This tool is created and tested in max2014.
But everything depends of scene ei scene object.
I will see to optimize tool soon.


asadar's picture


It's not working in max 2014. I've got the same problem than Chakib. I send you my scene. I really hope you can figure out why it doesn't work because this script seems amazing.

Thanks for sharing anyway.

barigazy's picture


Can you send me mail with master and flat *.max scene for testing?


chakib's picture

not working

It seems not working properly in max 2013, i don't know about you guys but i tried many time after applying the master+flat export method, once i run the script it converts the flat version to quad instead of taking the shape of the Master object :s, also the morpher is linked to the flat version not to the master object, that's weird !

aptoverde's picture

much beauty in 4.6 KB...

much beauty in 4.6 KB... works perfect for me... amazing, thanks!

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