Tagged '3ds max'

LOD Creator

64 votes

Here's my version of LOD creation script, it uses multiRes modifier. It works on multiple geometry and retains the geo type. It retains the skin modifier too, so you can run on a skinned character as well. Feel free to use this script and lemme know if you want me to add any feature to it or if it has any bugs.

Backup Max INI File

63 votes

Made a copy of Max INI file and save it with the same name (3dsmax.ini) into Archives folder in Max 9 and higher, or into Autoback in previous.

L Pass Manager

57 votes

L Pass Manager is a pass manager I created for (3ds Max 9 SP2 and above) as a personal maxscript project. It was primarily inspired by Vanilla Pass Manager, RPManager and XSI's Pass Mananger. To learn its capabilities and how to install it, please check out the Video Tutorial

Link To Forum


50 votes

Get 3dhippie stereocam v2

ADDED in 2.1.2
Camera Clipping.

ADDED in 2.1.0


50 votes

MultiCamLister is the free script for 3ds Max helps to you control cameras in a scene.

MultiCamLister Features:

Supported camera types: Standard, V-Ray, Maxwell, FRY- (just switching between cameras).
The ability to copy and paste the properties from one camera to another one.
Collapsible settings panel.
The ability to delete the selected camera from the scene through the script.
Scalable interface.


48 votes

Simple Macro for quick VRay studio. Very conveniently for testing materials, etc.


Nested Layer Manager 2 For 3ds Max

44 votes

Nested Layer Manager 2 provides the ability to nest layers in 3ds Max. This script is small, fast and allows layers to be nested in an unlimited number of folders. It has complete 2 way communication with the default layer manager; If anything is altered in either, both layer managers are updated. This allows people without this script installed to still see the normal layer organisation present in the file.

Nested Layer Manager has a free 30 day trial.


38 votes

With length calculator you can easily calculate the length of the selected edges. Very usefull for arch modeling. In the next release it will also support shapes.

***I have uploaded a 2009 compatible version.

CamMapMod - Camera Map replacer and updater

38 votes

This is my first script ever, so improvements are to be made.

Doing Camera Mapping ?

Ever wished to replace and update all the Camera Map modifiers you want in one single click ?

Bored of selecting your meshes one by one and then choose your camera again and again ?

The wait is over. Because this tool may save you some great time, which you can then spend to refine you Matte Painting skills !

Get In Line! (May 9,2011)

35 votes

This script evenly distributes the selected objects based on the start and end target objects.

Anyone is more than welcome to add to this.
Things you could potentially add are qsorting, transform, scale, and rotation sorting as well.

Right now it just does position.

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