Tagged 'Biped'

Autoweight - Automatic skinning tool for 3ds Max

20 votes

Autoweight is a script designed for 3D Studio Max helping you speeding up the skinning process of characters and machines.
You define special polygon regions and the script finds the appropriate bones, calculates the appropriate skin-vertices and sets up smooth transitions between those regions.

There are also Youtube video tutorials explaining the script step-by-step.

The new version 1.0 comes with an installer so you don't need to hassle around with the mzp-stuff anymore.


66 votes

Bippy is a tool for converting FBX bone data onto a 3ds Max Biped and offeres serveral tools to help optimize this conversion pipline.
Its perfect for motion capture data when the client needs the data in a biped format.

The script in action:

The script in action


The Script's feature list includes:


68 votes


 Joint Bend Rig Elbow Setup PreviewJOINT BEND RIG Shoulder Setup Preview

A Tool to greatly speed up and simplify the process of skinning the joints of characters,especially shoulders and hips which are notoriously difficult to skin. THE NEW VERSION 2 OF THE JOINT BEND RIG HAS A BIAS CONTROL TO CONTROL THE AMOUNT OF TWIST IN THE JOINT


FBX to Biped

4 votes

You can convert FBX animation to Biped with this script


39 votes

Macroscript ThePuppetTool 1.1 for 3dsmax 2010 (also works in 3dsmax 2008, 2009)
Should work in versions 2011, 2012, 2013

Cat/Biped selector with many powerful features, such as:

1. Automatically make Biped matched current human CAT-rig
2. Paste opposite for human CAT-rig
3. Select All, select Opposite, easy select any bones of human characters by clicking on ImgTags (also with dbl-click, alt and ctrl of course)
4. Keys remover
5. Keys type changer

New in version 1.1
1. Added some tags and buttons to select more limbs

Copy \ Paste Biped animation

63 votes

Quick copy and paste Biped animation to another biped from one instance of max and paste them into another.

Copy/Paste Biped Animation V 1.0
- Main idea Tools.
- macroscript file.

Updated :
Copy/Paste Biped Animation V 2.0
- Added some option for copy or paste.
- Added paste replace or merge bip motion as option.

BipedKeyer v1.4

47 votes

This script can set Key parameters "Ease To", "Ease From", "Tension", "Continuity" and "Bias" to ALL selected biped bones (including COM) - AT ONCE! If biped bone in selection does not have a key in the current time (frame), nothing happens with that bone.


New in v1.1: Possibility to set custom values. COM - EaseTo, EaseFrom and Bias (for vertical, horizontal and turning controller) parameters now also changes.

LH | Auto-skin

4 votes

Complete assistance to skin any 3ds Max rig !

LH | Auto-Skin will automate all the heavy skinning, leaving only finition to make manuelly, or even, in somes cases, skinning will not need editing! To make this operation, the tool will generate a "sliced" character/object, animators will be able to use this low character/object to animate more faster!

Biped Helper + Picker

7 votes

Biped Helper is a support interface designed to be used in conjunction with the main Biped panel.

It is intended to provide both quick access to existing Biped panel tools, as well as functionality that is not supported by the Biped panel.


See online guide in links section. 


Features include:

Convert Biped to Bones

17 votes

After setting up a biped to your character's base pose, use this tool to create a base skeleton rig.

Since you are using biped, you can scale the rig into place, and utilize its mirror function so you only have to do half the side. Then run the tool, and the rig will be made.

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