Tagged 'utility'

Check Total Lengths SplineShape

74 votes

This simple and funny script, you can measure the total length, check the number of segments and the Knot of SplineShape. Very useful :)


A CMD utility to externally re-path 3ds Max files

0 votes

This is a simple tool I wrote in IronPython and compiled to a usable .exe program for re-pathing or examining 3ds Max (.max and .mat) files without actually running 3ds Max.

It's pretty useful for batch re-pathing before rendering on render farms, for example. Or just to view what type of files are being linked in your .max and .mat scene files and material libraries, respectively.


-2 votes

This script is here to speed up our workflow. A combination of scripts put together to quickly access animation, rendering, lighting, fumefx, frost, vray, Krakatoa and other utilities. more info coming soon

Animation Trajectory Volume

3 votes

This script helps you create an aproximate mesh that covers the animated object (transforming or deforming) through the animation range.

It can come in handy:

-When trying to build an environment around your animatedcharacter for example.

-or to see how your animation flows instead of using the normal line trajectory.

-also to know the dimention that our charachter are moving in to build FumeFX container or other fx stuff.

It's based on Blob mesh so:

AutoBack File Loader Zorb

52 votes

*v1.31 - Bug fixes, removed error on opening on some max versions
*v1.30 - Now supports displaying 133 different date formats!! (Use the "Change Date Format" option in the right click menu)
*v1.21 - Updated for 2010 and added thumbnail support!

Tired of navigating to the autoback dir, selecting view as detail then sorting by date to find your latest autobak file. then comparing it to your last good saved file? This script will make it easy for you. Brings up a list of max files in your autobak dir, max hold files and your last opened file, sortable by date, size and name. Double clicking will load the file, right clicking will give you a delete option.Sort settings and files displayed are saved between sessions

Unzip to your Max root dir, will be available in macroscripts under "Zorb Tools", or run it as a script from the scrips directory

Automat - Artist Workflow Tools

4 votes

Automat banner

A large collection of time-saving scripts all organized into a simple and clean interface.

SCRIPTS included: Pivot Tool, Imagebar, SpinScatter, Miror Tool, Zipper Tool, Object Tools, Image Check Tools, Model Diagnostic Tool, Mat/Smooth Tool, Nubbins script launcher, Match Properties Tool, Object Cleaner, Golden Ratio Tool, Subdivision Calculator, Jumble Tool, JunkBox, and more.


71 votes

This tool will change the color of bones based on their squash/stretch amount, providing the user with feedback if they have gone beyond a desired threshold. It will live update as you move around and animate in the viewport.

CAD Cleaner

12 votes

A utility script to weld vertices and clean up smoothing in imported/converted CAD models. Works on Editable_Mesh objects in selection. Does not work on objects with an Edit_Mesh or Edit_Poly modifier applied. I use this to do a first-pass quick cleanup on imported SolidEdge models; it helps eliminate duplicate faces and odd smoothing groups.

CamMapMod - Camera Map replacer and updater

38 votes

This is my first script ever, so improvements are to be made.

Doing Camera Mapping ?

Ever wished to replace and update all the Camera Map modifiers you want in one single click ?

Bored of selecting your meshes one by one and then choose your camera again and again ?

The wait is over. Because this tool may save you some great time, which you can then spend to refine you Matte Painting skills !

Check XYZ coordinates

12 votes


This is a funny and simple Script that allows to check and print in a file (.txt or .csv) the coordinates XYZ an animated or still object position for each frame.

Change Log v.1.5

-- Correct the code
-- Add choose stamp file (.txt or .csv)
-- Add increasing save file
-- Fix minor bug

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