Tagged 'paste'

Animators Tool Kit (ATK)

9 votes

*NEW* Utilities in ATK 1.174
VIDEO 'Flippin' Flaps': One click animate the unfolding of your mesh faces.
VIDEO 'PathRig': Generate paths that are guided by target nodes, these paths can act as trajectories, path deforms or both.
TreeLinker': Link objects together by distance from an object to the next object.

Click the GIF for demos:

Copy and Paste Objects

110 votes

It's always annoyed me that I couldn't copy objects from one instance of max and paste them into another - as I work with 2 or 3 instances of max up at a time. It's tedious to do a save selected / merge objects so this script does it for you. It's not a TRUE copy/paste via the windows clipboard - but it will let you very quickly copy objects from one file to another.

OutFiler file browser

7 votes

Now it's free.

The OutFiler is a simple but powerful file browser inside 3dsmax that completely replaces standard save/load/save selected/merge/import/export dialogs. I believe folder tree much more comfortable and transparent.

The OutFilers provides the ability to quickly find the necessary folders, save the history of movements along them with back/next buttons and recent list and the favorite paths for quick access to working scenes.


118 votes

Copitor allow you to quick copy/paste selected objects to another Max scene or in another Max if you have 2 3dsMax open. I also like to use it like as a "quick backup" for try something, and to be sure to loose nothing :)

Installation: Drop The file in max viewport and go to Customize ==> Customize User Interface ==> Category: zOffTy Tools ==> Copitor

Copitor installation


12 votes







Some minor bug fixes to the Toolbox. Added additional tools to the system menu.



Fixed a bug that prevented the system menu from generating.




Copy/Paste Material to File

18 votes

This script was inspired by Copy/Paste Obects v0.2 by Christopher Grant .

Copy Paste Transforms

39 votes

Adavanced Control over Copy, Paste and mirror of Transforms. Paste Transform onto the same object or multiple other objects. Good For Copy and pasting of poses on a rig. 

Copy Paste Transforms Screencap trimmed

Paste from SketchUp (free)

3 votes


A small script that helps you copy objects in SketchUp, and paste them directly in 3dsMax, with the origin and texture preserved. It will make your SU>MAX workflow a lot faster, especially for people who like to model on SketchUp.



19 votes

new in ver 1.1:
saves selected object in the file "copy_paste_buffer.max"
in default scenes directory and make
a backup of old file /"copy_paste_buffer_backup.max"/
merge "copy_paste_buffer.max" in the current scene

script goes in the category “Georgy Chakarov”


4 votes

MaxCopyPaste Poster

"Copy-paste on steroids" with some extra features such as clipboard history, drawing and placing objects on top of your geometry, and copying objects between 3Ds Max instances. You can choose whether to duplicate materials when you paste an object. Instancing is supported now. Return the missing functionality that makes your workflow intuitive and fast. Watch the video for more details.