Tagged '3dsmax'


1 vote

RH Map Node Renamer

27 votes

It takes the material assigned to the selected object and assigns the name of the object to it. Then it checks if there is a bitmap texture assigned to "Diffuse", "Specular Level", "Opacity" and "Bump". If it finds a bitmap texture in the slot it renames the bitmap texture node to "Color", "Specular", "Opacity", "Normal". Then it also renames the textures asigned using the pattern "NameOfTheObject_NameOfSlot.*" ex. SmallBox_Color.bmp


1 vote

The 2DExtruder random extrusion plug-in is a MAXScript script that can randomly extrude the thickness of multiple selected spline shapes, and also set simple growth animation.

Main features

3DS Max Plugin Update - Lights Switch V2.0

1 vote

This is an update for the plugin I wrote 6 years ago, called Lights Switch.
The reason behind the update was an e-mail from a user who had a small issue with a scene full of Cororna lights, where the script managed to turn all lights OFF, but for some reason failed to turn them ON again.
After inspecting the script, I recognized the bug and fixed it.

Basically, the script, when clicked, will go through all lights in the scene, and if any light is ON it will turn it OFF. On the other hand, if the script sees that all lights are OFF it will turn them all ON again.

3DS Max - 2D - Create Parametric Lines

4 votes

In this video, I will present you with a new script I created to help the User creating 2D lines with specific length and angles. The script Allows you to modify the length of the last created line at any time.
This is a feature I always wanted to have in Max and for some reason, The developers are neglecting this simple feature.
I will try to update it as much as possible to add more features to it,
And if you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comment
Area. If you like the script please press the like button and Subscribe to the channel. Thank you! :)

3DS Max - Convert Unique Objects To Instances - Plugin

8 votes

In this video, I will present you with a new plugin I created that converts unique object/objects into instances of a selected source object.

3DS Max - Copy Paste Objects Between Scenes

7 votes

This is a script I created to help the user in copying and pasting
objects between multiple opened 3DS Max scenes.
Under the hood, it's a quick merge operation that is done without
Any prompt. If there is a name conflict, the coming object will be renamed. Also if there is a material's name conflict, the coming object
will preserve its own material but the material will be renamed.

3DS Max - Match Materials and Mapping - Plugin

3 votes

This script will help the user match the material of a source object to a target object
First, you need to select the source object then click the script, now start picking your target objects
When you finish picking just right-click, or press Enter, and the picked Objects will have the same material as the source
Object plus any UVW Map modifier or Unwrap UVW modifier applied to it.

3DS Max - Plugin - CopyPasteDWG

0 votes

This plugin allows the user to copy-paste objects from an opened AutoCAD file into 3DS Max.
The plugin works with multiple opened CAD files, it recognizes the last copied objects.
The script offers many filtering options for the imported objects like:
1-removing the prefix "Layer:" and this will make it easier to select objects by name
2-remove any material applied to the imported objects
3-remove the Block/Style Parent hierarchies
4-select the imported objects when importing is done
5-turn the imported objects into a group

3DS Max - Plugin - MatchMaterialAndUVs v2 0

0 votes

This script I created allows the user to match a source's material, UVW Maps, and Unwrap UVW(you can choose what you like to apply from those 3), with the possibility of preserving the targets existent similar modifiers or replacing those with the source's ones.
Please whatch the video to see all the features present in the dialog box that opens up, and how to use the script.

Note: This script is a major upgrade for a script I've done before: https://youtu.be/_Cl0L-6iyIs?si=ZoMj4x-qSSykWDmI

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