Tagged 'Animation'


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MoveAI To Biped Converter

1 vote

This is maxscript tool for converting Move AI animation into Biped Motion.
You can learn more about Move AI here https://www.move.ai/ .
you can get The script here : https://ishaksuryo11.gumroad.com/l/tghqe

check my other tools collection here: https://ishaksuryo11.gumroad.com/

MoveAI To Biped Converter

0 votes

This is maxscript tool for converting Move AI animation into Biped Motion.
You can learn more about Move AI here https://www.move.ai/ .
you can get The script here : https://ishaksuryo11.gumroad.com/l/tghqe

check my other tools collection here: https://ishaksuryo11.gumroad.com/


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This maxscript tools is specifically created for Biped. It work as motion Post Processing. very useful when working with mocap animation. Current main functionalities is Surface Conform and Add spring. more functionalities might added in the future.

Pixel Painter

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Paint and animate pixels on any grid.


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The 2DExtruder random extrusion plug-in is a MAXScript script that can randomly extrude the thickness of multiple selected spline shapes, and also set simple growth animation.

Main features

Rolling Ball

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Rolling Ball, is a Script for 3Ds Max that allows the automatic rotation of a ball in any direction and on any surface.

The Script mathematically calculates how much the ball should rotate and in what direction. Considering the distance traveled and the radius of the ball.


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Bookmarks is a tool to help animators to stay organized.
It is inspired from the bookmarks tool in Maya.

You can quickly create visual bookmarks on scenes or individual objects,
change their color, range, name, comment, link a camera...etc

Then you can use them to navigate your animation, isolate specific time ranges, move/scale keyframes, retime...etc