Tagged 'group'


756 votes

 The Outliner 2.0 is a fast and easy to use scene management tool. It has a wide range of features, including selecting, hiding, freezing, linking and grouping objects in the "Hierarchy Mode". In the "Layer Mode" you can organize your scene by dragging&dropping objects from one layer to the other. What's more, the Outliner offers support for nested layers, to manage scenes more efficiently. The interface is nimble enough to keep it open constantly.

Nested Layer Manager 2 For 3ds Max

44 votes

Nested Layer Manager 2 provides the ability to nest layers in 3ds Max. This script is small, fast and allows layers to be nested in an unlimited number of folders. It has complete 2 way communication with the default layer manager; If anything is altered in either, both layer managers are updated. This allows people without this script installed to still see the normal layer organisation present in the file.

Nested Layer Manager has a free 30 day trial.

Create Editable Box on Target

4 votes

This script will create an editable box that will match volume size of target(group, object, light, camera, spline, helper, basically anything that has a bounding box). In addition it will match name, position, and create UVW Mapping modifier(box), and setting mat id's uniques to all sides.

Replace Objects/Groups

3 votes

Replace desired objects or groups with clones(copies, instances, references) of another object or group.

New version of the script: http://miauumaxscript.blogspot.bg/p/miauus-objects-replacer.html

Clear Smoothing Groups

3 votes

With the Clear Smoothing Groups script you cad delete all smoothing groups in the selected geometry. This script is tested at 3ds max 2016 and 3ds max 2021. If you find some errors, pls send a comment.

Script category: “#todorScripts”.

You can see an example here, how to install my script per Drag and Drop:

Object info [free]

2 votes

A little free utility which shows information about selected objects. The field is editable so you can copy information to the clipboard.


1 vote

Group selected objects without popup for naming and set group pivot to Z minimum.


1 vote

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