Tagged 'helper'

Check Total Lengths SplineShape

74 votes

This simple and funny script, you can measure the total length, check the number of segments and the Knot of SplineShape. Very useful :)


Arrow Helper

6 votes

Helper object with the same features as the spline Arrow primitive.

Arrow Manipulator

Batch Exporter

7 votes

Biped Helper + Picker

7 votes

Biped Helper is a support interface designed to be used in conjunction with the main Biped panel.

It is intended to provide both quick access to existing Biped panel tools, as well as functionality that is not supported by the Biped panel.


See online guide in links section. 


Features include:

Expose Table

1 vote

Expose Table is a helper object which can load a CSV file and expose its columns as tracks that you can use copy-paste or use for parameter wiring and anywhere you would use a controller. First row of the CSV file is used for the track names, which means the headers have to be unique, all the other rows have to contain numbers.

 Expose Table 

Geo Spline Helper

-5 votes

This is a geo spline I've create for 3ds max. Right now it displays a pop up dialog when the script is run, from there you can create a geo spline. I'm working on making it a scripted spline plugin. That will allow users to create it similar to when you create a circle or rectangle spline. If anyone knows how to go about doing that feel free to modify the script and then upload here to script spot.
John "Joker" Martini

c & c's are welcome!


2 votes


This tool exposes the main VRay settings that contribute to the quality of the final rendered image and puts them into one quickly accessible dialog.

I recomend using this in combination with the VRaySampleRate render element to fine tune your renders for speed and quality.




Helper Maker

22 votes

Creates a new Helper from a template object.

Helper Manager

7 votes

A support panel containing many methods for adding point or dummy helpers to the scene, as well as options for baking, constraining, linking, duplicating existing hierarchies using helpers, or replacing them with a Bones System.

Interactive Universal Renamer

17 votes

NEW VERSION: Asset Paths + Sorting + Filtering + Multiselection

Make sure to select items in the list to see the renaming preview and do the actual renaming!

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