Tagged 'textures'

Collect Asset

41 votes

This script collects textures and other files used in the scene in one folder. Check for the same file names.
It is free script.

Nitrous Set Texture Size Limit

8 votes


This is a simple script to set the Nitrous viewport texture limit size.

To run it just open the script and evaluate it (Ctrl-E). v1.1 now adds a "Kelly's Tools" category in UI customize which I will start using for all future scripts."

Kelly Michels
kelly.michels at autodesk.com
Senior 3ds Max QA
3ds Max Beta Manager

Turn Viewport Maps On/Off

70 votes

This is a very simple script for turning Bitmaps on and off in the view port. It has been very popular in the studio that I work at work so I though I would upload it. Its funny how the simple ones are the ones that every one likes. Anyways it will let you turn view port maps on or off, it works with Standard and V-Ray materials. It also handles multi sub materials with no troubles, you can also choose to display Bump or Reflection maps. If you have any troubles or ideas for new features please let me know.

Show Textures in viewport (one click!)

6 votes

A simple check button to place on your toolbar, to show or hide your material textures on viewport.

If there's nothing selected, it works on all materials in scene. Otherwise, on materials from selected objects only.

It supports almost any kind of material or render engine.

The script was written in a way that depends as minimum as possible on render engine, so it should support a wide range of engines and materials. But it's not infallible.

Toggle Diffuse

23 votes

With Toggle Diffuse you can turn on and off all scene materials. It supports all Max's (except MentalRays)materials, plus VRay's and ThinkingParticle's. The avandage is that it searches through the materials' and maps' tree to turn on the first map that has an option "Show in Viewport".

Material Texture Loader

6 votes

  The Material Texture Loader loads in textures and instantly creates advanced materials.
  Use pre-defined or customized map and material settings to build re-usable material setups.
  Fully supports Vray, Corona, Redshift, Arnold, FStorm, Physical, Octane, and Standard map and materials.
Main Features

  • Automatic texture channel recognition 
  • Parameter linking for all texture mappings
  • Predefined Color-spaces: ACEScg - sRGB - linear-sRGB - Raw - Gamma - Auto
  • Mapping: Tiling - Real-world - Tri-Planar -  Random Rotation - Spherical
  • Live edit settings and disable channels
  • 2-Sided materials
  • MaxScript commands
  • UDIM map loading
  • Drag and Drop
  • Presets

Get it on Gumroad
Latest version: 1.830

Material Manager

1 vote

Material Manager gives users a one-click solution for saving out materials and also reapplying them. Users can choose to save the selected objects materials, or the entire scenes materials.

Assembly Tool

11 votes

Assembly Tool
is a massive set of useful scripts and tools gathered in one place! It is a real friend and permanent assistant in artists' daily work, which can help to work faster, more efficiently and more productive! Assembly Tool can help to optimize many areas of 3ds Max workflows, accelerate the performance of your work in 3ds Max in general and make it much easier and more fun!

UVW Randomizer

2 votes



Randomizer is a plugin to create UVW maps in several objects at the same time with the intention of randomize the position and rotation of them. It can be useful in the creation of objects with the same material but different pattern like tiled floors.


8 votes


this script assign lightmaps to every selected objects.

you must insert lightmap path, and you can choose uv channel e texture formats.

to assign a shortcut: "customize user interface" -> "mainUI" -> "compariello"

* in this case, the script works with vray lightmap suffix (max 2008 & 2009). if you want to use with other ambient texture suffix, write a comment!!

** just you must have materialID equal to number of multimaterial list.