Toggle Time & Command -Panels

30 votes
Date Updated: 

This script creates 2 Bars, one at the bottom, one at the right. Clicking a bar toggles the visibility of the UIPanels next to it in default config. Rightclick closes a bar.

Have phun

Additional Info: 

-fixed a little mixUp bug that occured after restarting max, now also the statusBar is handled propperly after restart

Version Requirement: 
2008 and higher
Other Software Required: 
togglemodpanel.ms1.26 KB


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n1teraven's picture

main tool bar

thanks Raphael looking forward to it ;)

Graph's picture

I shall look into the 2012er

I shall look into the 2012er compatibility and main tool bar as soon as I'm done with the Mixer and Copy/Link2Vert rewrites :)

Raphael Steves

n1teraven's picture

Amazing Script wanted some thing like this for years

Just one thing if possible would any1 know how to also add the main toolbar at the top as a toggle also?
Please i tried having a go but no luck
thanks in advance

cptSwing's picture

a little late, but what the hell

i edited your script a little and got it to work under 2012.. no pretty bars to click, but if you set it up in your Quads it's definitely useable.

here's the hackjob for anybody interested:

macroScript toggleLowerPanels
toolTip:"Toggle Time-, Status-, and Trackbar"
buttonText:"Toggle Lower Panels"
local allToggled

if (trackbar.visible == true or StatusPanel.visible == true or timeSlider.isVisible()) then
allToggled = false

if (allToggled == false) then
local val = timeSlider.isVisible()
StatusPanel.visible = false
trackbar.visible = false
allToggled = true
StatusPanel.visible = true
trackbar.visible = true
allToggled = false

shopkeeper's picture

Doesn't work in Maxs Design 2010 64bit

Only get a very wide panel to toggle command panel and no or a very thin panel which doesn't toggel the timeline.

Neat idea if it can be made to work as described!

cptSwing's picture

oh and forgot to mention earlier ..

.. the right click / close function does not work either.

cptSwing's picture

no change unfortunately

and the listener is as silent as ever. i'm using a 64bit version of 2012, as far as that might help. i've tried digging up possible changes in the API, but haven't been all that successful - i have next to no knowledge of maxscript..

Graph's picture

try this one


AttachmentSize 1.45 KB

Raphael Steves

cptSwing's picture


.. i miss this little script more than i would have thought ;-)

the toggle commands themselves seem to work fine, at least they do when i apply them separately - the codeblocks that follow might need some work, or maybe something needs to be checked/unchecked in preferences.. dunno ;/

Graph's picture


i shall look into this shortly

Raphael Steves

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