Tagged 'id'

Randomize Spline Material IDs

0 votes

Randomize the material IDs for the segments in your spline shapes.

Set random material IDs for the selected splines, either using the existing IDs or specifying a range of IDs.

Compatible with 3dsMax 2012 and higher.


4 votes

Material ID Condense

12 votes

What it does:
Condenses material ID's Based on the texture name or material name.

How to use it:
Under Utilities Tab, hit the MAXScript button
then push run script, locate CondenseMaterialIDs.mcr and hit open.
Now in the Utilities drop down, choose Condense material ID's.

Here you may choose to
condense it from the material name i use a script i found on Scriptspot called "OS3D_SetMaterialName_v01.ms" i cant seem to locate it again but it sets all material names to the Image names.

Condense by the diffuse texture name eg Image1.jpg

ID Birlestirici (ID Combiner)

0 votes

HoHa Material ID

3 votes

Just another small script to add "Material" modifiers on top of the sellections to assign random or in order material ID. Apply multi subobject material to the selection first.

Comment and feedback are welcome.


Change Log:

V1: Basic as above.

V1.1: Added a random IDs button for making the IDs Random (duh) :)


Z Manager

2 votes


This is a 3dsMax manager tool, preferably for Vray users, very useful for editing architectural models created with other software (eg. ArchiCAD) and fast scene setup. Very useful tools for Selection, Rendering, Incremental Rendering, Copy/Paste objects from other scenes, Material Replacer, Animation with Moving Objects, Exporting/Importing Vray Proxy with material and so on...

Wire Colorizer

22 votes

This tool will allow you to assign a wirecolor to a selection through a customizable palette.
You can save and reload.


Material Toolbox

1 vote

Manage the Material assignment, Material ID number, and Wirecolor of scene objects.

Feature List:

+ Easily Select all objects with shared Material, Mat ID, or Wirecolor

+ Interactive Clipboard to store Materials, Mat ID's, or Wirecolors

Multi/Sub material&ID Assistant

3 votes

Hello! It's a simple script which allows to assign material IDs in different way. The script works with Editable poly only and with one object. So this script for those guys whose work a lot with multi/Sub materials. Many thanks!

main window


3 votes

Added Fix tool if created bug-Faces

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