Tagged 'automatic'

Material Texture Loader

5 votes

  The Material Texture Loader loads in textures and instantly creates advanced materials.
  Use pre-defined or customized map and material settings to build re-usable material setups.
  Fully supports Vray, Corona, Redshift, Arnold, FStorm, Physical, Octane, and Standard map and materials.
Main Features

  • Automatic texture channel recognition 
  • Parameter linking for all texture mappings
  • Predefined Color-spaces: ACEScg - sRGB - linear-sRGB - Raw - Gamma - Auto
  • Mapping: Tiling - Real-world - Tri-Planar -  Random Rotation - Spherical
  • Live edit settings and disable channels
  • 2-Sided materials
  • MaxScript commands
  • UDIM map loading
  • Drag and Drop
  • Presets

Get it on Gumroad
Latest version: 1.830

Rolling Ball

0 votes

Rolling Ball, is a Script for 3Ds Max that allows the automatic rotation of a ball in any direction and on any surface.

The Script mathematically calculates how much the ball should rotate and in what direction. Considering the distance traveled and the radius of the ball.

Reference Manager

2 votes

no more headaches unfreezing and unhiding refplanes manually
the RefManager does it for you and lets you focus on the modelling

A reference manager that automatic hides and shows reference planes based on the current viewport

by default it uses the following names, but you can click on >> to get acces to the pick buttons and pick your own reference planes


plans for next version : add refsetup: auto creates planes in correct size based o nthe resolution of the images


3 votes

SnowEffect plugin poster

The plugin allows you to create a global snow effect for the whole scene. You can cover selected objects with snow with just a few clicks. SnowEffect supports V-Ray, Arnold, Corona, and scanline render natively. All other render engines will see it as standard material that you can modify or replace. You can also change the amount of snow and bump/displacement size.
Watch the trailer for more details.

Massfx Rope Creator

1 vote

Massfx Rope Creator 3ds max plugin

The fastest solution to create ropes for your Massfx simulation which allows you to create a rope between 2 objects automatically!

Dirtizer 2

5 votes

A very helpful plugin which can make your materials dirty in one click!
- You can control the level of dirtiness.
- You can make it dry or wet.
- Dirtizer supports Multi-materials (you can set random dirt to all materials at once)
- You can add your own textures of dirt. (Organize your textures in "Dirtizer" folder as you want)

Most render systems are supported now! Tested with V-Ray, Mental Ray, Scanline, Corona, Redshift.


5 votes


Materializer (materials equalizer) is the fastest way to create materials mixing different templates. It works like a sound equalizer but for materials!
Example: To make glossy wood press the 'Wood' button and then add a little bit of plastic.

Every time you hit 'Set' selected material will be updated without removing of maps.

Plugin works both with Compact and Slate material editors.


0 votes

AutoPivot is a useful script for 3ds Max created to help you move easly object's pivot.


It includes two separate scripts that move the pivot to its center or to lowest point.
Unlike the standard 3ds command that uses the Selection Bracket, AutoPivot calculates the center of mass and moves the pivot accordingly.

Main features:


3 votes


Textures2materials is a very handy plugin which can turn multiple textures into materials at once (into multi-material or into multiple material slots). It also checks if your textures have a bump versions and load them as bump. "Must have" plugin for any 3D designer.

Dirtizer 2

2 votes

A very helpful plugin which can make your materials dirty in one click!
- You can control the level of dirtiness.
- You can make it dry or wet.
- Dirtizer supports Multi-materials (you can set random dirt to all materials at once)
- You can add your own textures of dirt. (Organize your textures in "Dirtizer" folder as you want)

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