Make Planar Advanced

2 votes
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Make Planar Advanced works like this:
Select one or more objects/components and generate a projection plane from them. After that you can move/project any selected objects/components to that plane, either directly or in specific coordinate modes / axis. Basically the point is to give a lot more freedom in how you flatten a surface compared to what's possible with the standard 'Make Planar' or scale to zero features already in Max.

Version Requirement: 
2012 or newer, tested up to Max 2019
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PolyHertz's picture

Should be fixed

Hey dannnnT, just uploaded a new version of the script that should fix the issue you were having.

dannnnT's picture

can't run script and use the tool

Hey, I really like your tool and downloaded already, but after I followed your install instruction, when i am trying to use it, got an error:Compile error: can't find include file: genericFunctions.mse

My install steps is:
1.move polyhertz folders to c:\program files\autodesk\3ds max 2018\scripts makePlanarAdvanced.mcr in max

Also tried max 2017, but show same error. Any tips?

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