3ds Max | Scripts

Pose Manager

5 votes

Friendly Pose Manager Tool in Python.

Object ID Toolkit

2 votes

This tools makes it easier for users to manager Object ID’s for various assets in a scene. It also gives users the ability to quickly and easily generate render elements based on the ID’s used in their current scene.


Shrink Vertex Selection

5 votes

Shrink vertex selection leveraging the Data Channel modifier.

This is a self-contained modifier and is applied as such, it's not a Data Channel preset.



Favorite Transforms [Smart Tool]

3 votes

Define move/rotate/scale tool and the coordinate system (world,parent,local,gimbal) per object and let Max automatically switch based on your selection.

After years of manually changing tools and coordinates and wasting my energy, I thought its about time to change that. I hope you find this as useful as I do!

Introducing my little "Favorite Transforms" tool.

Store your favorite tool (move, rotate and scale) and coordinate system settings ONCE into the objects user property via the SET button.
(Rightclick the buttons to open the object properties to check.)

Point Cache Tool

1 vote

A very simple tool that records Point Cache file for a selection of objects in specific folder .

Another script included in my tool was created by Swordslayer and posted on 6 June 2012 10:49 am in Area.com , here is hos post Link:

Thanks Swordslayer

You will find the Macro under, Sameh Scripts Category


2 votes

F2 MAX is a script for 3DS Max which creates quads from a single selected border vert or border edge. It is inspired by the F2 addon for Blender.

Chain Rigger

7 votes


Tool for creating a rigged chain along a spline.


* create a chain of 1 or 2 different chain segments along a spline
* spline can be animated or linked and the chain will follow
* when spline is closed chain drive can be animated by an objects X-Rotation
* chain drive speed can be ajusted by a radius (of the rotation motor-object)


Please watch video tutorial below.

* create a spline and 1 or 2 chain elements
* run script and select objects

Vray Real Light

0 votes

This script allows you to create Vray lights of different type based on watt and calculates the luminous power and temperature of the light to be as close to reality.
This is extremely useful when lighting a scene where real light data need to be used.

The lights available are:
- Incandescent
- Halogen
- LED Bulb
- HID Metal Halide
- HID Sodium Vapor
- HID Mercury Vapor
- Fluorescent tube
- LED Tube (warm white)
- Candlelight


-5 votes

Curly is a scripted modifier plugin for 3ds Max which allows users to create rolling and unrolling animations. This modifier makes it very simple to demonstrate a blanket unrolling, or a flag unraveling from it’s supports. Check out the videos for Curly, to see it in action.


14 votes

For people who work often with Objects ID, this script may make it easier. It allows you to see which objects have ID, to select objects by ID, assign a ID and all this without entering in properties of the objects.

Version: 2.34

  • Add "Assign ID by Layers" button
  • Add Option to Assign Wirecolor by ID
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