Tagged 'render'


538 votes



1 Click AO Render

3 votes

16 x 9 Effect (Letterbox)

14 votes

This script will crop the top and bottom of your image to give you a letterbox effect.

360 MultiCubeMap BatchRender

0 votes

360 MultiCubeMap BatchRender is a script for Generate a 6-cameraRig and render individual Cubemaps automatically with Full VRAY Support including Render Elements.

It can be very useful to render several cubemaps in 360 in one single scene. Both Single frame or animation.

Supports VRAY only.

 Update 1.5.0

FIX Equilateral Render
ADD Project Name Folder
ADD File Render Extension - JPEG / Tiff / PNG / EXR / TGA

 Update 1.3.2

360 Render World

12 votes

360 Render World is a panoramic camera making it possible to obtain renders with 360 degrees of a scene. Its originality is to be able to treat these made panoramic while taking account of an angle of sight what makes it possible to obtain made original likely to follow the curve of an arc without producing deformation.


-2 votes

This script is here to speed up our workflow. A combination of scripts put together to quickly access animation, rendering, lighting, fumefx, frost, vray, Krakatoa and other utilities. more info coming soon

Assembly Tool

11 votes

Assembly Tool
is a massive set of useful scripts and tools gathered in one place! It is a real friend and permanent assistant in artists' daily work, which can help to work faster, more efficiently and more productive! Assembly Tool can help to optimize many areas of 3ds Max workflows, accelerate the performance of your work in 3ds Max in general and make it much easier and more fun!

Auto ProOptimizer

4 votes

Auto ProOptimizer Add 3Ds Max ProOptimizer Modifier plus some more parameters that make "Vertex %" change automatically by distance of object from camera.

Version 2 have same function for MultiRes Modifier.
ProOptimizer Destroy the UVW but MultiRes don`t.

Auto Render Element "VRayLightSelect"

340 votes

Create Render Elements "VRayLightSelect" for lights.


Batch Render Assistant

16 votes

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