Tagged 'export'

Batch Exporter

7 votes

Mirza Link Manager

4 votes

Version 3 is out there!

Import once, update any time

The most popular linker between BIM and 3dsMax has been revamped and significantly improved.

What's new:


1 vote

Boujou2max plug-in poster

Boujou2max imports raw markers from Boujou as an animated cubes or dummies. This is a good solution for raw motion tracking without camera solve.

Milyan's object cleaner

1 vote


0 votes


v1.7 Added support kw-exporter

Works with two plugins Panda Directx Exporter and Xporter and kw-exporter


Export FBX to Unreal

3 votes

Designed specifically for Unreal workflow, this script provides a quick way to export scene data with minimal interaction with scene objects.

The script will quickly export static meshes and their existing collisions, skeletal meshes or skeletal animations using the FBX format.


See online guide in links section. 



Latest Updates:

Version 2.4;

Biped (.bip) Animation Batch Retargeting & FBX export

4 votes

This script was made to retarget animations so that changes could be made to the biped's proportions throughout production.

I made this for making my life easier between Max and Unity (though it could be used in any max-based pipeline). Unfortunately Unity has no native retargeting, unless your team is using Mecanim.

3DS Max to Nuke FAG

1 vote

I did this script to easily send geometry and cameras to nuke.

Warning: Use the script only for export. Save your project before and after return.

Augment plugin for 3dsMax

1 vote

Augment is an augmented reality mobile app that lets you visualize your 3D models in real time, real size, in your direct environment.

You just need to upload your models on the web platform: http://manager.augmentedev.com/#/login, and they will be synchronized on your mobile device with the Augment mobile app.

There is also a plugin for 3ds Max to export your 3D models directly to Augment and visualize them straight away in augmented reality, with nice Mental Ray and V-Ray texture baking.

You can download it here: http://augmentedev.com/help/3ds-max/#exporting-with-the-plugin

Selectionset Manager

4 votes

Tool for exporting and importing selection sets

Simple tool to transfer selection set between Max files.
Selection sets depend on the naming of scene objects.


*export of actual selected objects as selection set
*export of all selection sets in scene
*import of exported SelectionSet files (.txt)
*import several files (.txt)

*set name of export file
*paste or browse export path, otherwise it will choose the actual Max folder