Tagged 'align'

Macro Snippets

26 votes

Show Vert Nums
Quick Z Direction
Distance to Clipboard
Angle to Clipboard

Stick Locator

23 votes

Stick Locator
version 1.2

written by Mayec Rancel


Creates a point dummy, and parents it to the reference object's vertex/center,
using controller expressions.

This is useful to parent other objects to a specific part of a deforming
mesh, or an object whose transforms have been 'baked' (e.g. point cache).

I have found it specially useful, in FX work, for particle/fluid emitters.

- Only the 'center' method can be used with splines.
- When using 'vertex' method, the dummy's rotation will align to the

Move To Surface

23 votes

The following will let the user move objects along their Z axis to fit a specified surface. Such a script can be used to automatically plant trees, poles etc. on the ground.

This script is straight out of the 3ds Max MAXScript reference file. Its part of the MAXScript 'How To' lessons that teaches how to use MAXScript with practical problems. Load your MAXScript reference (the one that ships with 3ds Max) and do a search for 'align surface' and it'll be the first result.

I did not write this script I merely copied the code here as aligning to a surface is a very common request. Make sure to read the other 'How To' tutorials in the 3ds Max MAXScript reference - they're all really good!


23 votes


Description: This MouseTool is made to help place a node onto the surface of some geometry based upon mouse click location. it will place the node by its pivot point and orient its local z axis to the normal of the intersection. (Additional: Added a new Ability to click and drag to rotate around the Nodes Local Z axis)  Hope its helpful to someone besides me. Heres the code... Enjoy


21 votes

A simple script I wrote for my daily work. Maybe it will be useful for someone.
Rotation and Scale transormations are restricted to "geometry" and "helper" objects to avoid any errors.

- ROTATE selected objects by selected angle in specified axis
- RESET position / rotation / scale of selected objects in selected or all axes
- ALIGN position / rotation / scale of selected objects to min / average / max in specified axes
- apply a RANDOM (with given min and max values) position / rotation / scale in specified axes to selected objects.

Keyframe Align

21 votes

Key frame align allows you to align an object over time based on key frames instead of placing a key on every frame. It will also align one object to another on every frame if needed. It can separate the position, rotation, and scale transforms. This script also works with biped. This was inspired by Jim Jagger's animated align and advanced align tools. I fixed an oddity with the rotation, it wont require it to be run twice on certain occasions. Latest update fixes an error with biped. A biped object with a modifier can now be interpreted by the script.

Change Pivot to selected vertices

16 votes

Maxscript for changing the pivot of an object to the selected Vertex.

Wheel Align

16 votes


This script animates a parented wheel, it's rotation along travelling path, and a steering rotation.


Make planar & UV align commands

15 votes

Hey, guys.
Just a simple set of commands you can find in the Algomorph Category under Main UI group once you've put the scripts in your Macro folder and run them. These commands don't appear in either MainUI group / Editable Poly category or in the Editable Poly or the Edit Poly group, although they do appear as on-screen rollout buttons.

As far as the UV align X or align Y functionality goes, this doesn't explicitly exist in Max as a shortcut or button command, which is kind-of an old feature that Max was always lacking contrary to some other 3D apps...

Align Tools

15 votes


This script has been in my toolbox for a long time, so I’ve taken it out, polished it up, and partnered it with a friend. There are probably other scripts out there that will do this for you but I hope you will find mine intuitive and easy to use.


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