Tagged 'align'


6 votes

Aligns the viewport to the selected face. Thanks to Carl-Mikael Lagnecrantz for some code inspiration.

Select an editable poly object, select a face, run the script. Now you have a new view perpendicular to that face.

AndyE Tools v1.0

36 votes


0 votes

AttachmentAlign is a script to get automaticaly postioned your Helper with an Attachment Constraint.

- So you got your mesh (Editable Poly) ...
- You place your target (Point Helper), where you want the helper to be on your mesh (If you want to, use AutoGrid) ...
- Run the script and pick the mesh & helper

-> A new helper will be created and attachment constraint to the surface of the mesh at nearly the point were your target is.

Highest accuracy does take rly long and is not effective enough, i think, so use the default...

Auto Align UVWMap

2 votes

3dsMax Script for applying UVW Map Modifier Depending on Selected Edge or Longest Edge of each Face .

UPDATE 1.4 :

  • Fix UV Modifier Alignment .

  • Set Coordinate system to Local (getting wrong result on other coordsystems) .

UPDATE 1.3 :

  • Improve the Function of Grouping Faces by Angle .


8 votes

This is a script like autogrid. You can move, instance and copy objects all over the place! ShiftPress the button for options (move, instance, copy, lock rotation and lock scale)

How it works: select an object and press the button. click and drag (left-right = scale, top-down:rotation)

If you select multiple objects it will choose a random one.

tested on Max 2012/2013

Log :

Biped Helper + Picker

7 votes

Biped Helper is a support interface designed to be used in conjunction with the main Biped panel.

It is intended to provide both quick access to existing Biped panel tools, as well as functionality that is not supported by the Biped panel.


See online guide in links section. 


Features include:

BOA Dist

3 votes

Quick Object Distribution tool for 3ds max.

Developed to be a simple alternative to object distribution plugins.

Ideal for low count instance distribution.

BOA Dist Distribution Modes

More information on: www.boxofapps.com/boadist *Alpha and Beta versions are Free to use on commercial projects.

Change Pivot to selected vertices

16 votes

Maxscript for changing the pivot of an object to the selected Vertex.


23 votes


Description: This MouseTool is made to help place a node onto the surface of some geometry based upon mouse click location. it will place the node by its pivot point and orient its local z axis to the normal of the intersection. (Additional: Added a new Ability to click and drag to rotate around the Nodes Local Z axis)  Hope its helpful to someone besides me. Heres the code... Enjoy

Copy 2 Vert

37 votes

While i was modeling a cinema i needed a quick way to place instances of a seat all over the place so i wrote this little script.
It aligns Copys/Instances of an object to another objects vertexes, that way i only had to pull a few splines and was done with the seats.

As its only a small tool i dont plan to include it into my ToolSet but for its usefulness i thought others could use it too to save some time so i upload it here.

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