
Maxscript Isolate By Material

here is my first new maxscript. Nothing fancy but i believe it's a simple useful tool. This tool helps the user to pick and object then by clicking all objects sharing the same material will remain in the scene, others will be hidden. Also if the selected object doesn't have any material applied to it a dialog box will popup telling the user this and giving him/her the choice to click YES and isolate all objects with no materials applied to them.

makeUniqueArray function

Do you familiar with array and bitarray ?

Let's check in my head about it :p

makeUniqueArray <array>

it's Available in 3ds Max 2008 and higher. Previously available in the free [AVG] Avguard Extensions.

if you are using 3ds Max 9 and Lower without installing [AVG] Avguard Extensions,
you can create a similar function , such as:

fn makeuniquearrayX arr =((arr as bitarray) as array)

explain: the array will convert to bitarray then convert to array again

example to using it:

request for script to create layer from object name.

hi, is it possible to have a script which creates a layer from an object name.

there is a script here which creates a layer from material name.i cannot find it on the site any more so i am attaching the script below

for m in scenematerials do
if LayerManager.getLayerFromName == undefined
then NewLayer = LayerManager.newLayerFromName
else NewLayer = LayerManager.getLayerFromName
for obj in objects do if == do NewLayer.addNode obj
saveMaxFile (getfilenamefile (maxfilename) + "_for_Revit.max") useNewFile: true

Script saving x,y,z,rot coordinates of selected objects from the scene in the 3D Studio Max to file

I thought to share my solution of kind of tricky situation. I`ve got something programmed and controlled in the script (neutral animation like a rotation) and then I wanted to add some HAVOK generated animation based on the nice physical model.
I was trying to export object to dae files md2 files NOTHING was good enough everything simply encrypted to weird structures... so I decided to simplify that to use just frame by frame x,y,z coordinates. Digging sweat in that maxscript I did this:


Ambient Occlusion Pass Switcher for Mental Ray

The script will set up the scene for the calculation of Ambient Occlusion Pass.

The script will switch off lights, Final Gathering, GI, Exposure, Enviroment map and create Standard material customized for AO pass and put it into override material slot in "processing" tab.

AO map parameters should be set up by user himself. After creating AO, you can return the initial state of the scene by turning off AO rendering mode (click again on the button).



MAX reset script

A simple script I wrote for my daily work. Maybe it will be useful for someone.
Rotation and Scale transormations are restricted to "geometry" and "helper" objects to avoid any errors.

- ROTATE selected objects by selected angle in specified axis
- RESET position / rotation / scale of selected objects in selected or all axes
- ALIGN position / rotation / scale of selected objects to min / average / max in specified axes
- apply a RANDOM (with given min and max values) position / rotation / scale in specified axes to selected objects.
Additional Info:

Tesla Power Generator

Here is a rendering I did using 3DStudio Max and VRAY 1.5

Camera Raycast Tool

Tool for creating eye-rays for a camera


The tool creates rays (splines), which are traced from the camera over the selected faces of an object.
PolyMesh-objects automatically receive an Edit_Mesh-modifier, which can be removed by the "Clear"-button.
The lenght of the rays can be chosen by the user.
The ray shows the raytracing paths of the camera. This helps i.e. by placeing objects which should be reflected at a certain face of an object.


Something I found out while using a script im writing

The script creates as many spheres as the user defines, sets them as rigid bodys, and then adds a ball & socket constraint to all of them, so when it is simulated, the spheres move around, and wriggle.

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