Tagged 'game development'


8 votes

PolySmoother is a professional tool to efficiently work with Smoothing Groups.

It allows you to visualize and manage the Smoothing Groups in a quick and easy way. You can set Hard and Soft edges, select edges by convexity, copy, paste, modify and optimize Smoothing Groups, as well as convert them from and to UV mapping, among many other features.

Texture Atlas Generator

51 votes

This script generates a texture atlas out of the selected objects, and manipulates their UVs (and if necessary, their geometry as well). Currently only Multimaterials and/or Standardmaterials (with bitmaps in diffuse channel!) supported.
Texture atlasses especially are important for real time applications and game development. Check http://developer.nvidia.com/object/texture_atlas_tools.html to see performance comparisons.

- geometry slicing
- padding
- simple packing algorithm
- editing many objects at once, thus creating only one atlas for all of them

Sudoku Max

0 votes

Creates a menu in order to select difficulty in Sudoku and to display a full board for you to fill out. will check your answers and make sure you are correct before asking to play again. Please read the README.txt to get everything started it is that easy!

UDK Scale Tools

1 vote

First version of a set of tools to help with planning and block out stages of environments.

Development Materials:

Applies either a grid or a character size dev texture.

Scale Billboards:

Creates a choice of character scale billboards.

Units Conversion:

Simple measurement converter for converting Feet, Inches, Meters or Centimetres to Unreal Units.

Development Materials and Conversion Ratios are based on UDK tool downloads available from Level Design Universe

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