Tagged 'Dummy'

Helper Manager

7 votes

A support panel containing many methods for adding point or dummy helpers to the scene, as well as options for baking, constraining, linking, duplicating existing hierarchies using helpers, or replacing them with a Bones System.

Batch Exporter

7 votes

Dummy resizer

2 votes

Script for resizing dummy.

  1. Resize dummy by boxsize ( keep scale in [1,1,1] ).
  2. Offset dummy object without translating pivot.


waRp ConvertDummy

0 votes

This script converts all Dummies (into containers) in the scene that have objects parented to them.

It is useful when importing a scene from Maya (pressing the option Send to 3ds Max automatically converts the groups from maya to Dummies into 3ds max).

Stick Locator

23 votes

Stick Locator
version 1.2

written by Mayec Rancel


Creates a point dummy, and parents it to the reference object's vertex/center,
using controller expressions.

This is useful to parent other objects to a specific part of a deforming
mesh, or an object whose transforms have been 'baked' (e.g. point cache).

I have found it specially useful, in FX work, for particle/fluid emitters.

- Only the 'center' method can be used with splines.
- When using 'vertex' method, the dummy's rotation will align to the

Dummy Resizer

4 votes

A little Tool to create a Dummy and resize it, using hided Dummy properties.

Do not affect the scale values.

Translated Bounding Box

36 votes

Create Box or Dummy (if CTRL key pressed) for each selected objects
using their bounding box in coordinate system matrix3

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