Tagged '3dmax'


1 vote

SubSpline 3dsmax script - banner

Total Control of Spline Subobjects



SubSpline is an Advanced Subobject Selector & Material IDs Editor for spline shapes in Autodesk 3dsMax.

Easily expose on screen the vertex numbers and material IDs for all your selected shapes, with a simple toggle button.

Quick Batch Render

0 votes

A simple and powerful script to quickly render multiple ready '.max' files successively on a single computer.

Options: set a percentage of the file’s render resolution (width/height); ignore/suppress warning dialogs; render First frame only (to test render files with animated sequences).

Dynamic Text

4 votes

Creates a animatable text that changes depending on time. You can use curve editor for changing dependence.

Useful for creating animated infographic labels and tags.

World-Space to Local Animation

1 vote

Bakes an objest's World-Space/Space Warp animation to a copy, using local Point Cache modifier. Then you can apply local modifers on top to continue animating the object's deformation locally.

Note: this is a preliminary version. It saves always a temporary .xml file for the Point Cache, wich you can rename, relocate and reload, to preserve it. In future versions, this could be set at the script’s UI by the user.

Compatible with 3dsMax 2012 and higher.

Spline Refiner

0 votes

Spline Refiner 3dsmax script - banner

Smart Spline Subdivision



Spline Refiner is a 3dsMax productivity tool to fine-tune your spline shapes incredibly fast, in a simple and efficient way.

Bake Splines Animation

0 votes

Bakes the animation of one or more selected shapes to vertex animation, with a series of options.

Set: animation range (start/end), sample rate, action over original shapes (hide/delete/none).

Support for: modifiers animation / hierarchy animation / transform (position/rotation/scale) animation.
Pending support for space warp animation.

Compatible with 3dsMax 2012 and higher.


3 votes

ShutDownSave V2.0 by 3dwannab (◣_◢) - 16/09/14


Dev. by Stephen Sherry.


Free for all use and / or modification. If you modify the script, please mention my name, cheers. :)


Pictor ver 2.0.0

5 votes

Pictor plugin is creating three-dimensional objects from two dimensional images. This plug-in works with Max and has the ability to read and convert images to three-dimensional files. General features of the software are as follows

Render Tools

4 votes

Este pequeño script permite generar elementos de render automaticamente con solo presionar un boton. Algunos pases requieren de cierto conocimiento previo para su uso o inclusive de activar alguinas funciones ocultas de la aplicacion dependiendo de que version estemos usando. Point Position: para generar este pase van a necesitar activar una funcion que se encuentra oculta, que mas abajo explicare, este pase es recomndable guardarlo en 32 Bits al igual que el Zdepth.

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