3ds Max | Scripts

Fit Bounding Box

6 votes

Minimize volume Bounding Box


1 vote

3dsmax one click soft package modeling script plug-in.

At present, this is still a paid script. Please forgive me for not being able to download it here.

Vray material to Standard material

1 vote

Vray material to Standard material

1 vote

Convert V-Ray MTL to standard material In order to transfer information from 3ds Max to other programs like Maya, Lumion and ... It is not accurate in parameters like glossiness, metalness, Reflection and refraction convert all materials, sub materials, maps and submaps

Copy Paste DWG

47 votes

 New - posibility to change imported Layer name for "All to one layer"


This is another simple script to speed up some everyday modeling work....

Just to simply Copy Paste selected from AutoCAD or DraftSight to 3ds MAX 

It copy only selected, so its easy to split dwg to separate objects (elev from plans etc)

Adjust Key Time

0 votes

This is a NOT maxscript but AfterEffects script.
But this script related to StateSets and is very useful for 3dsmax users.

This script corrects subtle errors in the time set for layer keyframes in AfterEffects.

There is a function called StateSet that links 3D information such as cameras, lights, and planes in 3dsmax with AfterEffects.
However, there is a problem that keyframes have errors for information from beyond 10 seconds in time within 3dsmax.
(For example, after 2400F for a 24FPS setting, or after 3000F for a 30FPS setting)

Overlapping Objects

0 votes

A Script for Detecting Overlapping Objects .

  • Required 3dsMax 2018+ .

  • Work on Geometries Faces/Polygons and Shapes Segments .

Names Fixer

0 votes

A Script for Replacing Chinese and illegal Characters from (Objects-Materials-Maps-Modifiers-layers) Names .

PS: Undo Disabled , So its Better to Save your Work Before Running the Script .

For Replacing Texture Names you can use Pop Chinese Script

UPDATE 1.1 :

  • Change the script name to "Names Fixer"  .
  • Add Fix for Names Sequences , ("Group464134564" will be fixed to normal sequence "Group023")

3DS Max - Script - Import Obj And Keep Duplicate Names

0 votes

This script will allow you to import OBJ files and keep the incoming names even if the current scene contains objects with the same names

Oriented Line

8 votes

Line segment aligned to follow the drag direction:


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