NRB Random UVW

8 votes
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This is a simple script that adds to the selected objects a UVW map modifier and moves the UVW gizmo (on this case a box gizmo) randomly on each object. It's useful for example when you have many wood doors and want to give them different texture coordinates.

Additional Info: 

Instructions :
To run the script just run it from the maxscript utility .

Description :
*Mapping Gizmo Box :
Length ; Width ; Height of the uvw map box gizmo
*Rnd Parameters:
Seed: just to randomize again if you didn't like the result.
Rnd Range: this is the interval that the box gizmo will move randomly on his local coordinates axes.
*Collapse Stack : self explanatory ...
*UVW Random Selected: adds the modifier to the selected objects.
*Close: closes the script

Version Requirement: 
4; 3
Video URL: 


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ferlok's picture

can´t make it work in max 2009

im triyng to run the script in max 2009 x64 and nothing happend...i so the fix that denissavin post but i don´t know how to use it, if that´s for resolve the problem.

denissavin's picture

For Fix Isert : classof

For Fix Isert : classof (l[i])

classof (l[i])  -- Fix
in coordsys local
l[i].modifiers[1].gizmo.position = [xrnd , yrnd, zrnd]


 Tested 3dsmax 2009

sergo's picture

don't work in max8 for me,

don't work in max8 for me, but I've extracted

for i in selection do
    xrnd = (random 100 100)
    yrnd = (random -1000 1000)
    i.modifiers[1].gizmo.position = i.modifiers[1].gizmo.position + [xrnd, yrnd, 0]

and it's quite enough for me.

Thank you! 

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