Why we need this Script: In some cases the built-in zoom extents selected doesn't work the way it should, In the video I'm explaining those cases, so please watch the video until the end To Install: 1- Extract the file, you'll see a .mzp file named: ZoomExtSelFix_v1.51.mzp 2- Right-Click the .mzp file, go to Properties and make sure there is no Unblok option, if there is one, then check it, click Apply and Ok. 3- Drag the mzp file into Max's viewport. A window will show up telling you the script is installed You can create a button or a shortcut for the script: To create a button: 1-Go to Customize menu, Customize User Interface, Toolbars tab, in the Category look for MiRi-Tools category 2-Click New... to create a new toolbar, name it as you like, presse Ok, Drag the script named ZoomExtSelFix to the new toolbar button. Now you can place it on the main toolbar. To Create a shortcut: 1-Go to Customize menu, Customize User Interface, HotKey Editor 2-To remove the shortcut Z associated with the built-in Zoom Extents Selected, type in the filter: zoom extents selected You'll see multiple options with the same name, click on the one that reads Main UI on its right side 3-Press Remove on the right panel, click Done and Save 4-Now look for the ZoomExtSelFix in the filter box, and on the right size type Z, Assign, Done and Save. Update: 1.5 1- Now the script works with the sub-object selection 2- A bug in the first version is fixed. The bug happens when you switch to another Mode other than the Modify Panel, the first version gives an error. Now this is fixed with this update. Update: 1.51 Fixes some cases where the base object is a 2D shape and there are modifiers that turns it Into 3D mesh. In some of those cases the script is able to zoom in on the selected object while in a sub-object level But fails to zoom in on the selected element if a sub-object element is selected. This is fixed now. The plugins is created by: Miled Rizk e-mail: miledrizk@gmail.com