Affect Pivot and Center Pivot

28 votes
Date Updated: 

This script contains an Affect Pivot - and a Center Pivot. It works similar to Maya's Affect Pivot. You need to assign it to a hotkey - or put it in a Quad Menu.
Once you have executed Affect Pivot - click anywhere you want the pivot point to be located. TIP: Works great with snaps. Center Pivot does just that. It also works with multiple selections.

Additional Info: 

unzip into your 3dsmax4uimacroscripts directory and restart max.

Open up the Customize>Cusomize User Interface. Click on the Category
dropdown list - and scroll down to MC Tools.

Version Requirement: 
Video URL: 


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albertuscarraco's picture
rifaulmen's picture

Hi Does Anyone Have Script

Does Anyone Have Script Help Me...
Link Dead:

pixamoon's picture


Hi, you can try similar Quick Pivot:

Waltez's picture

the link is down!

Links NOT connected

malissimo43's picture


enlace roto


3dwannab's picture

Link down

I had this script but for some reason I misplaced it. Has anyone a link or even upload it again. I think Martin Coven is a bit busy considering his level of work nowadays!

blackfoxeye's picture

Link is not working


The specified link to download is not working. And I can't find it somewhere else.

So can you please update the link.


wolfsoull's picture

the link is down!

the link is down! can you unpload it again?


Ogneed's picture

Archive is missing((

Dear Coven.
Can you re upload this script please?
Thank you.

Anubis's picture

Heh, its an old code, yep,

Heh, its an old code, yep, recent Max versions has mapped functions for this tasks.

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

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